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BASIC Source File
2,345 lines
'Freeform v1.3 for Liberty BASIC
'Copyright 1995, Shoptalk Systems
'All Rights Reserved
'This program lets you graphically lay out
'windows and their controls, and then converts
'this visual layout to Liberty BASIC source code
'that you can paste into your Liberty BASIC
'programming session.
'This program REQUIRES either:
' Liberty BASIC for Windows v1.2 for Windows for better
' Liberty BASIC for OS/2 v0.8 or better
'set up an arrays to hold control specs
dim type$(100)
dim label$(100)
dim names$(100)
dim xOrg(100)
dim yOrg(100)
dim width(100)
dim height(100)
dim corner$(100)
dim branchLabel$(100)
dim segment(100)
dim handle$(100)
dim bmpName$(100)
dim arrayName$(100)
dim menu$(20)
dim menuItem$(20, 30)
dim menuItemLocal$(30)
dim menuItemCount(20)
dim winType$(20)
dim colorType$(20)
index = 0
resizeable$ = " combobox textbox listbox graphicbox groupbox statictext windowframe textedit button " 'add more as you go
newControlNumber = 0 'increment by one each time a new control is added
qu$ = chr$(34)
controlsThatBranch$ = " button listbox combobox bmpbutton checkbox radiobutton "
snapOn = 1
xInterval = 8
yInterval = 5
createInspect = 1
formName$ = "untitled.fre"
windowXOrigin = 70
windowYOrigin = 10
windowXExtent = 550
windowYExtent = 410
windowLabel$ = "untitled"
windowType$ = "graphics"
winHandle$ = "#main"
wincolor$ = "white"
textcolor$ = "black"
boxcolor$ = "white"
menuCount = 0
winType$(0) = "window"
winType$(1) = "window_nf"
winType$(2) = "dialog"
winType$(3) = "dialog_nf"
winType$(4) = "dialog_modal"
winType$(5) = "dialog_nf_modal"
winType$(6) = "graphics"
winType$(7) = "graphics_nsb"
winType$(8) = "graphics_nsb_nf"
colorType$(1) = "black"
colorType$(2) = "blue"
colorType$(3) = "brown"
colorType$(4) = "cyan"
colorType$(5) = "darkblue"
colorType$(6) = "darkcyan"
colorType$(7) = "darkgray"
colorType$(8) = "darkgreen"
colorType$(9) = "darkpink"
colorType$(10) = "darkred"
colorType$(11) = "green"
colorType$(12) = "lightgray"
colorType$(13) = "palegray"
colorType$(14) = "pink"
colorType$(15) = "red"
colorType$(16) = "white"
colorType$(17) = "yellow"
gosub [loadIniFile]
if displayFormat = 0 then loadbmp "systemBox", "bmp\systembx.bmp"
if displayFormat = 1 and left$(windowType$, 6) = "dialog" then loadbmp "systemBox", "bmp\95sysbxd.bmp"
if displayFormat = 1 and left$(windowType$, 6) <> "dialog" then loadbmp "systemBox", "bmp\95sysbx.bmp"
if displayFormat = 0 then loadbmp "minBox", "bmp\minbx.bmp" else loadbmp "minBox", "bmp\95minbx.bmp"
if displayFormat = 0 then loadbmp "maxBox", "bmp\maxbx.bmp" else loadbmp "maxBox", "bmp\95maxbx.bmp"
loadbmp "closebox", "bmp\95exit.bmp"
loadbmp "comboButton", "bmp\cmbobttn.bmp"
loadbmp "radioButton", "bmp\radibttn.bmp"
loadbmp "checkBox", "bmp\checkbox.bmp"
loadbmp "scrollUp", "bmp\scrlup.bmp"
loadbmp "scrollDown", "bmp\scrldown.bmp"
loadbmp "scrollRight", "bmp\scrlrght.bmp"
loadbmp "scrollLeft", "bmp\scrlleft.bmp"
menu #form, "&File", "&New", [newFile], "&Open", [openFile], "&Save", [saveFile], |,"Q&uit", [quit]
menu #form, "&Control", "&Inspect", [inspectControl], "&Delete", [deleteControl], |, "Move to &front", [moveToFront], "Move to &back", [moveToBack]
menu #form, "&Output", "&Produce Code", [produceCode], "Produce Code + Outline", [produceCodeAndOutline]
menu #form, "&Window", "&Title", [changeTitle], "T&ype", [changeWindowType], "&Handle", [changeHandle], "&Window Colour", [changeColorType], "&Box Colour", [changeBoxColorType]
menu #form, "O&ptions", "&Auto Snap to Grid", [gridDialog], "&Settings", [settingsDialog]
menu #form, "&Menu", "&Add a Menu", [addAMenu], "&Remove a Menu", [removeMenu], "&Edit Menus", [editMenus]
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\loadbttn.bmp", [openFile], UL, 5, 40
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\savebttn.bmp", [saveFile], UL, 35, 40
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\textbttn.bmp", [addStaticText], UL, 5, 80
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\efldbttn.bmp", [addField], UL, 35, 80
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\bttnbttn.bmp", [addButton], UL, 5, 110
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\usrdbttn.bmp", [addBmpButton], UL, 35, 110
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\lboxbttn.bmp", [addListBox], UL, 5, 140
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\cboxbttn.bmp", [addComboBox], UL, 35, 140
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\rdiobttn.bmp", [addRadioButton], UL, 5, 170
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\chbxbttn.bmp", [addCheckBox], UL, 35, 170
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\gboxbttn.bmp", [addGroupBox], UL, 5, 200
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\tedtbttn.bmp", [addTextEdit], UL, 35, 200
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\grbxbttn.bmp", [addGraphicBox], UL, 5, 230
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\windfill.bmp", [changeBoxColorType], UL, 35, 230
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\check.bmp", [inspectControl], UL, 5, 270
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\checkout.bmp", [deleteControl], UL, 35, 270
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\infront.bmp", [moveToFront], UL, 5, 300
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\inback.bmp", [moveToBack], UL, 35, 300
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\compile.bmp", [produceCode], UL, 5, 330
bmpbutton #form, "bmp\compile2.bmp", [produceCodeAndOutline], UL, 35, 330
open "FreeForm v1.3 for Liberty BASIC" for graphics_fs_nsb as #form
if Platform$ = "OS/2" then print #form, "font systemmonospaced 8 12";
if Platform$ = "Windows" and displayFormat = 0 then print #form, "font fixedsys 8 15";
if Platform$ = "Windows" and displayFormat = 1 then print #form, "font system 7 16";
print #form, "trapclose [quit]";
gosub [renderWindow]
gosub [addWindowFrame]
goto [setForSelection]
[addWindowFrame] 'add the window frame as the first object
objectCount = objectCount + 1
idx = objectCount
xOrg(idx) = 70
yOrg(idx) = 10
width(idx) = 550
height(idx) = 410
type$(idx) = "windowframe"
[addButton] 'add a new button to the form
text$ = ""
prompt "Please enter text for this button"; text$
if left$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = mid$(text$, 2)
if right$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = left$(text$, len(text$) - 1)
if text$ = "" then [inputLoop]
newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
objectCount = objectCount + 1
idx = objectCount
xOrg(idx) = 80
yOrg(idx) = 40
label$(idx) = text$
width(idx) = 8 * (len(label$(idx))) + 10
height(idx) = 15 + 10
type$(idx) = "button"
names$(idx) = "button"+str$(newControlNumber)
corner$(idx) = "UL"
branchLabel$(idx) = "["+names$(idx)+"Click]"
gosub [renderButton]
if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
goto [inputLoop]
[addBmpButton] 'add a new bmpButton to the form
bmp$ = ""
filedialog "Select a bitmap for this button", "*.bmp", bmp$
if bmp$ = "" then [inputLoop]
newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
objectCount = objectCount + 1
idx = objectCount
xOrg(idx) = 100
yOrg(idx) = 50
type$(idx) = "bmpbutton"
names$(idx) = "bmpbutton"+str$(newControlNumber)
corner$(idx) = "UL"
bmpName$(idx) = bmp$
loadbmp bmp$, bmp$
branchLabel$(idx) = "["+names$(idx)+"Click]"
gosub [renderBmpButton]
if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
goto [inputLoop]
[addField] 'add a new field (textBox) to the form
newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
objectCount = objectCount + 1
idx = objectCount
xOrg(idx) = 100
yOrg(idx) = 50
width(idx) = 100
height(idx) = 25
type$(idx) = "textbox"
names$(idx) = "textbox"+str$(newControlNumber)
gosub [renderTextBox]
if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
goto [inputLoop]
[addTextEdit] 'add a new field (textBox) to the form
newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
objectCount = objectCount + 1
idx = objectCount
xOrg(idx) = 100
yOrg(idx) = 50
width(idx) = 100
height(idx) = 100
type$(idx) = "textedit"
names$(idx) = "textedit"+str$(newControlNumber)
gosub [renderTextEdit]
if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
goto [inputLoop]
[addComboBox] 'add a new combobox to the form
newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
objectCount = objectCount + 1
idx = objectCount
xOrg(idx) = 100
yOrg(idx) = 50
width(idx) = 100
height(idx) = 100
type$(idx) = "combobox"
names$(idx) = "combobox"+str$(newControlNumber)
branchLabel$(idx) = "["+names$(idx)+"DoubleClick]"
arrayName$(idx) = "array$("
gosub [renderComboBox]
if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
goto [inputLoop]
[addListBox] 'add a new listbox to the form
newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
objectCount = objectCount + 1
idx = objectCount
xOrg(idx) = 100
yOrg(idx) = 50
width(idx) = 100
height(idx) = 100
type$(idx) = "listbox"
names$(idx) = "listbox"+str$(newControlNumber)
branchLabel$(idx) = "["+names$(idx)+"DoubleClick]"
arrayName$(idx) = "array$("
gosub [renderListBox]
if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
goto [inputLoop]
[addStaticText] 'add statictext to the form
text$ = ""
prompt "Please enter the text you would like to add:"; text$
if left$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = mid$(text$, 2)
if right$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = left$(text$, len(text$) - 1)
if text$ = "" then [inputLoop]
newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
objectCount = objectCount + 1
idx = objectCount
xOrg(idx) = 100
yOrg(idx) = 50
label$(idx) = text$
width(idx) = 8 * len(label$(idx))
height(idx) = 20
type$(idx) = "statictext"
names$(idx) = "statictext"+str$(newControlNumber)
corner$(idx) = ""
gosub [renderStaticText]
if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
goto [inputLoop]
[addGroupBox] 'add groupbox to the form
text$ = "No Text"
prompt "Please enter the text this GroupBox :"; text$
if left$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = mid$(text$, 2)
if right$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = left$(text$, len(text$) - 1)
if text$ = "" then [inputLoop]
if text$ = "No Text" then text$ = ""
newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
objectCount = objectCount + 1
idx = objectCount
xOrg(idx) = 100
yOrg(idx) = 50
width(idx) = 100
height(idx) = 100
type$(idx) = "groupbox"
names$(idx) = "groupbox"+str$(newControlNumber)
corner$(idx) = ""
label$(idx) = text$
gosub [renderGroupBox]
if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
goto [inputLoop]
if left$(windowType$, 8) <> "graphics" then notice " Error!" + chr$(13) + "This function is only supported in Graphics" : goto [inputLoop]
newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
objectCount = objectCount + 1
idx = objectCount
xOrg(idx) = 100
yOrg(idx) = 50
width(idx) = 100
height(idx) = 100
type$(idx) = "graphicbox"
names$(idx) = "graphicbox"+str$(newControlNumber)
corner$(idx) = ""
label$(idx) = ""
gosub [renderGraphicBox]
if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
goto [inputLoop]
[addRadioButton] 'add radiobutton to the form
text$ = ""
prompt "Please enter a label for the radiobutton:"; text$
if left$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = mid$(text$, 2)
if right$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = left$(text$, len(text$) - 1)
if text$ = "" then [inputLoop]
newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
objectCount = objectCount + 1
idx = objectCount
xOrg(idx) = 100
yOrg(idx) = 50
type$(idx) = "radiobutton"
names$(idx) = "radiobutton"+str$(newControlNumber)
corner$(idx) = "UL"
label$(idx) = text$
branchLabel$(idx) = "["+names$(idx)+"Set] ["+names$(idx)+"Reset]"
gosub [renderRadioButton]
if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
goto [inputLoop]
[addCheckBox] 'add checkbox to the form
text$ = ""
prompt "Please enter a label for the checkbox"; text$
if left$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = mid$(text$, 2)
if right$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = left$(text$, len(text$) - 1)
if text$ = "" then [inputLoop]
newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
objectCount = objectCount + 1
idx = objectCount
xOrg(idx) = 100
yOrg(idx) = 50
type$(idx) = "checkbox"
names$(idx) = "checkbox"+str$(newControlNumber)
corner$(idx) = "UL"
label$(idx) = text$
branchLabel$(idx) = "["+names$(idx)+"Set] ["+names$(idx)+"Reset]"
gosub [renderCheckBox]
if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
goto [inputLoop]
goto [inputLoop]
'render the window depending on the value of windowType$
xOrg = windowXOrigin
yOrg = windowYOrigin
xExt = windowXExtent
yExt = windowYExtent
print #form, "cls";
print #form, "color black ; down ; size 1";
print #form, "place "; xOrg + 4; " "; yOrg + 4;
print #form, "backcolor "; wincolor$;"";
print #form, "boxfilled "; xOrg + xExt - 4; " "; yOrg + yExt - 4;
if instr(windowType$, "_nf") > 0 then [noResizingFrame]
'draw resizing frame
print #form, "color lightgray ; size 3";
if Platform$ = "OS/2" then print #form, "color yellow";
if windowType$ = "dialog" then print #form, "color darkgray";
if windowType$ = "dialog" and Platform$ = "OS/2" then print #form, "color darkcyan";
print #form, "place "; xOrg + 2; " "; yOrg + 2;
print #form, "box "; xOrg + xExt - 2; " "; yOrg + yExt - 2;
print #form, "color black ; backcolor white ; size 1";
print #form, "place "; xOrg; " "; yOrg;
print #form, "box "; xOrg + xExt ; " "; yOrg + yExt;
'draw titlebar
print #form, "color black ; backcolor darkblue";
if left$(windowType$, 6) = "dialog" then print #form, "backcolor darkgray";
if Platform$ = "OS/2" then print #form, "color darkgray ; backcolor darkcyan";
print #form, "place "; 4 + xOrg; " "; 4 + yOrg;
print #form, "boxfilled "; xOrg + xExt - 4; " "; 4 + yOrg + 20;
if displayFormat = 0 then print #form, "place "; int(xExt/2) + xOrg - len(windowLabel$) * 4; " "; 18 + yOrg;
if displayFormat = 1 then print #form, "place "; 20 + xOrg ; " "; 18 + yOrg;
if Platform$ = "OS/2" then print #form, "place "; 48 + xOrg; " "; 18 + yOrg;
print #form, "color white";
print #form, "\"; windowLabel$;
'draw buttons
if Platform$ = "OS/2" then print #form, "drawbmp systemBox "; xOrg + 5; " "; 4 + yOrg;
if Platform$ = "Windows" then print #form, "drawbmp systemBox "; xOrg + 4; " "; 4 + yOrg;
print #form, "backcolor white ; color black ; down ; size 1";
if windowType$ = "dialog" then print #form, "color white" ;
if windowType$ = "dialog" and Platform$ = "OS/2" then print #form, "color darkgray" ;
print #form, "place "; xOrg + 4; " "; yOrg + 4;
print #form, "box "; xOrg + xExt - 4; " "; yOrg + yExt - 4;
if left$(windowType$, 6) = "dialog" then [drawMenus]
if displayFormat = 0 and instr(windowType$, "_nf") then print #form, "drawbmp minBox "; xOrg + xExt - 24 - 1; " "; 4 + yOrg; : goto [drawMenus]
if displayFormat = 1 and instr(windowType$, "_nf") then print #form, "drawbmp closebox "; xOrg + xExt - 24 - 1; " "; 7 + yOrg; : goto [drawMenus]
if Platform$ = "OS/2" then print #form, "drawbmp minBox "; xOrg + xExt - 43 - 2; " "; 4 + yOrg;
if Platform$ = "OS/2" then print #form, "drawbmp maxBox "; xOrg + xExt - 24 - 1; " "; 4 + yOrg;
if Platform$ = "Windows" and displayFormat = 1 then print #form, "drawbmp minBox "; xOrg + xExt - 60; " "; 7 + yOrg;
if Platform$ = "Windows" and displayFormat = 0 then print #form, "drawbmp minBox "; xOrg + xExt - 43; " "; 4 + yOrg;
if Platform$ = "Windows" and displayFormat = 1 then print #form, "drawbmp maxBox "; xOrg + xExt - 44; " "; 7 + yOrg;
if Platform$ = "Windows" and displayFormat = 0 then print #form, "drawbmp maxBox "; xOrg + xExt - 24; " "; 4 + yOrg;
if Platform$ = "Windows" and displayFormat = 1 then print #form, "drawbmp closebox "; xOrg + xExt - 24; " "; 7 + yOrg;
if menuCount = 0 then [dontDrawMenus]
if displayFormat = 0 then print #form, "color black ; backcolor white" ;
if displayFormat = 1 then print #form, "color black ; backcolor lightgray" ;
if Platform$ = "Windows" then print #form, "place "; 4 + xOrg; " "; 23 + yOrg;
if Platform$ = "OS/2" then print #form, "color darkgray ; place "; 4 + xOrg; " "; 25 + yOrg;
print #form, "boxfilled "; xOrg + xExt - 4; " "; 24 + yOrg + 20 ;
string$ = ""
underline$ = ""
for x = 0 to menuCount - 1
item$ = menu$(x)
hkIndex = instr(menu$(x), "&")
if hkIndex = 0 then [noHotKey]
item$ = left$(item$, hkIndex - 1) + mid$(item$, hkIndex + 1)
underline$ = underline$ + chr$(len(string$)+hkIndex)
string$ = string$ + item$ + " "
next x
if Platform$ = "OS/2" then print #form, "backcolor palegray" ;
print #form, "place "; xOrg + 10; " "; 38 + yOrg ;
print #form, "\"; string$;
if len(underline$) = 0 then [dontDrawMenus]
for x = 1 to len(underline$)
print #form, "place "; xOrg + 10 + (asc(mid$(underline$, x, 1)) - 1) * 8; " "; yOrg + 40 ;
print #form, "north ; turn 90 ; go 8";
next x
print #form, "flush" ;
'change the window's title
newWindowLabel$ = windowLabel$
prompt "Specify the window's title"; newWindowLabel$
if newWindowLabel$ <> "" then windowLabel$ = newWindowLabel$
gosub [redrawAll]
goto [inputLoop]
WindowWidth = 380
WindowHeight = 200
'change the window's type
statictext #type.statictext1, "Select the type of window desired:", 14, 11, 272, 20
combobox #type.types, winType$(, [selectWinType], 22, 36, 256, 115
button #type, "Accept", [acceptWinType], UL, 302, 36
button #type, "Cancel", [cancelWinType], UL, 302, 71
open "Select Window Type" for dialog_modal as #type
print #type.types, "select "; windowType$
print #type, "trapclose [cancelWinType]"
defaultType$ = windowType$
goto [inputLoop]
[selectWinType] 'Perform action for the combobox named 'types'
'select the type of window desired
print #type.types, "selection?";
input #type.types, defaultType$
goto [inputLoop]
[acceptWinType] 'Perform action for the button named 'acceptWinType'
'accept the selected window type
close #type
if windowType$ <> defaultType$ then windowType$ = defaultType$
If left$(windowType$,6) = "dialog" or left$(windowType$,6) = "window" then wincolor$ = "white"
if displayFormat = 0 then loadbmp "systemBox", "bmp\systembx.bmp"
if displayFormat = 1 and left$(windowType$, 6) = "dialog" then loadbmp "systemBox", "bmp\95sysbxd.bmp"
if displayFormat = 1 and left$(windowType$, 6) <> "dialog" then loadbmp "systemBox", "bmp\95sysbx.bmp"
gosub [redrawAll]
goto [inputLoop]
[cancelWinType] 'Perform action for the button named 'cancelWinType'
'close the window, don't accept type change
close #type
goto [inputLoop]
if left$(windowType$, 8) <> "graphics" then notice " Error!" + chr$(13) + " Colored windows only supported in Graphics" : goto [inputLoop]
WindowWidth = 380
WindowHeight = 200
'change the window's color type
statictext #type.statictext1, "Select the window color desired:", 14, 11, 272, 20
combobox #type.types, colorType$(, [selectColorType], 22, 36, 256, 115
button #type, "Accept", [acceptColorType], UL, 302, 36
button #type, "Cancel", [cancelColorType], UL, 302, 71
open "Select Window Type" for dialog_modal as #type
print #type.types, "select "; wincolor$
print #type, "trapclose [cancelColorType]"
colorDefaultType$ = colorType$
goto [inputLoop]
[selectColorType] 'Perform action for the combobox named 'types'
'select the type of window color desired
print #type.types, "selection?";
input #type.types, colorDefaultType$
goto [inputLoop]
[acceptColorType] 'Perform action for the button named 'acceptColorType'
'accept the selected window type
close #type
if colorType$ <> colorDefaultType$ then colorType$ = colorDefaultType$
wincolor$ = colorType$
gosub [redrawAll]
goto [inputLoop]
[cancelColorType] 'Perform action for the button named 'cancelColorType'
'close the window, don't accept type change
close #type
goto [inputLoop]
if left$(windowType$, 8) <> "graphics" then notice " Error!" + chr$(13) + " Colored windows only supported in Graphics" : goto [inputLoop]
WindowWidth = 380
WindowHeight = 200
'change the window's color type
statictext #type.statictext1, "Select the window color desired:", 14, 11, 272, 20
combobox #type.types, colorType$(, [selectBoxColorType], 22, 36, 256, 115
button #type, "Accept", [acceptBoxColorType], UL, 302, 36
button #type, "Cancel", [cancelBoxColorType], UL, 302, 71
open "Select Window Type" for dialog_modal as #type
print #type.types, "select "; boxcolor$
print #type, "trapclose [cancelBoxColorType]"
colorBoxDefaultType$ = colorType$
goto [inputLoop]
[selectBoxColorType] 'Perform action for the combobox named 'types'
'select the type of window color desired
print #type.types, "selection?";
input #type.types, colorBoxDefaultType$
goto [inputLoop]
[acceptBoxColorType] 'Perform action for the button named 'acceptColorType'
'accept the selected window type
close #type
if colorType$ <> colorBoxDefaultType$ then colorType$ = colorBoxDefaultType$
boxcolor$ = colorType$
gosub [redrawAll]
goto [inputLoop]
[cancelBoxColorType] 'Perform action for the button named 'cancelColorType'
'close the window, don't accept type change
close #type
goto [inputLoop]
'change the window's handle
prompt "Specify the window's handle (starts with a #)"; result$
if result$ = "" then [inputLoop]
winHandle$ = result$
if left$(winHandle$, 1) <> "#" then winHandle$ = "#" + winHandle$ : notice "Window handle defaults to: " + winHandle$
goto [inputLoop]
'render the statictext at idx.
'assume an font 8 bits wide
type$(idx) = "button"
xOrgIdx = xOrg(idx)
yOrgIdx = yOrg(idx)
print #form, "place "; xOrgIdx; " "; yOrgIdx ;
print #form, "place "; xOrgIdx; " "; yOrgIdx ;
print #form, "color black ; backcolor lightgray ; size 1" ;
print #form, "down ; boxfilled "; xOrgIdx+width(idx); " "; yOrgIdx+height(idx) ;
print #form, "size 2 ; color darkgray ; place "; xOrgIdx+2; " "; yOrgIdx+2 ;
print #form, "box "; xOrgIdx+width(idx)-1; " "; yOrgIdx+height(idx)-1 ;
print #form, "color white" ;
print #form, "place "; xOrgIdx+2; " "; yOrgIdx+height(idx)-3 ;
print #form, "goto "; xOrgIdx+2; " "; yOrgIdx+2 ;
print #form, "goto "; xOrgIdx+width(idx)-3; " "; yOrgIdx+2 ;
print #form, "color black ; backcolor lightgray ; size 1" ;
print #form, "place "; xOrgIdx+int((width(idx)-len(label$(idx))*8)/2); " "; yOrgIdx+int((height(idx)-15)/2)+12 ;
print #form, "\"; label$(idx);
gosub [createOrderMarker]
print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
print #form, "up ; flush" ;
print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
segment(idx) = id
'render the statictext at idx.
'assume an font 8 bits wide, 15 high
type$(idx) = "statictext"
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+15-3 ; " ; place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+15-3 ;
print #form, "down ; color black ; backcolor white";
if Platform$ = "OS/2" then print #form, "backcolor palegray" ;
print #form, "\"; label$(idx);
gosub [createOrderMarker]
print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
print #form, "up ; flush" ;
print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
segment(idx) = id
'render the radiobutton at idx.
'assume an font 8 bits wide, 15 high
type$(idx) = "radiobutton"
width(idx) = 8 * len(label$(idx)) + 16
height(idx) = 20
print #form, "down" ;
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx);
print #form, "drawbmp radioButton "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx);
print #form, "color black ; backcolor white" ;
if Platform$ = "OS/2" then print #form, "backcolor palegray" ;
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx)+16; " "; yOrg(idx)+15-3 ;
print #form, "\"; label$(idx);
gosub [createOrderMarker]
print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
print #form, "up ; flush" ;
print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
segment(idx) = id
'render the checkbox at idx.
'assume an font 8 bits wide, 15 high
type$(idx) = "checkbox"
width(idx) = 8 * len(label$(idx)) + 16
height(idx) = 20
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
print #form, "down" ;
print #form, "drawbmp checkBox "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx);
print #form, "color black ; backcolor white" ;
if Platform$ = "OS/2" then print #form, "backcolor palegray" ;
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx)+16; " "; yOrg(idx)+15-3 ;
print #form, "\"; label$(idx);
gosub [createOrderMarker]
print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
print #form, "up ; flush" ;
print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
segment(idx) = id
'render the bmpbutton at idx.
'assume an font 8 bits wide
type$(idx) = "bmpbutton"
width(idx) = 20
height(idx) = 20
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
print #form, "drawbmp "; bmpName$(idx); " "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx);
gosub [createOrderMarker]
print #form, "down ; "; orderMarker1$ ;
print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
print #form, "up ; flush" ;
print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
segment(idx) = id
'render the comboBox at idx.
type$(idx) = "combobox"
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
print #form, "color black ; backcolor white ; size 1" ;
print #form, "down ; boxfilled "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-24; " "; yOrg(idx)+22 ;
print #form, "drawbmp comboButton "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-16 ; " "; yOrg(idx) ;
gosub [createOrderMarker]
print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
print #form, "up ; flush" ;
print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
segment(idx) = id
'render the textbox at idx.
type$(idx) = "textbox"
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ; " ; place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
print #form, "color black ; backcolor white ; size 1" ;
print #form, "down ; boxfilled "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx) ;
gosub [createOrderMarker]
print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
print #form, "up ; flush" ;
print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
segment(idx) = id
'render the textedit at idx.
type$(idx) = "textedit"
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
print #form, "color black ; backcolor white ; size 1" ;
print #form, "down ; boxfilled "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx) ;
print #form, "color black ; backcolor lightgray" ;
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-17; " "; yOrg(idx);
print #form, "boxfilled "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx)-17 ;
print #form, "drawbmp scrollUp "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-17; " "; yOrg(idx);
print #form, "drawbmp scrollDown "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-17; " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx)-33;
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx)-17;
print #form, "boxfilled "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx) ;
print #form, "drawbmp scrollLeft "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx)-17;
print #form, "drawbmp scrollRight "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-33; " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx)-17;
gosub [createOrderMarker]
print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
print #form, "up ; flush" ;
print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
segment(idx) = id
'render the listbox at idx.
type$(idx) = "listbox"
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
print #form, "color black ; backcolor white ; size 1" ;
print #form, "down ; boxfilled "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx) ;
print #form, "color black ; backcolor lightgray" ;
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-17; " "; yOrg(idx);
print #form, "boxfilled "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx) ;
print #form, "drawbmp scrollUp "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-17; " "; yOrg(idx);
print #form, "drawbmp scrollDown "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-17; " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx)-17;
gosub [createOrderMarker]
print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
print #form, "up ; flush" ;
print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
segment(idx) = id
'render the graphicbox at idx. assume a font 8x15.
type$(idx) = "graphicbox"
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx)+4 ; " "; yOrg(idx)+8 ;
print #form, "color black ; backcolor "; boxcolor$ ;"; size 1" ;
if Platform$ = "OS/2" then print #form, "backcolor palegray" ;
print #form, "down ; boxfilled "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-4; " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx)-7 ;
gosub [createOrderMarker]
print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
print #form, "up ; flush" ;
print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
segment(idx) = id
'render the groupbox at idx. assume a font 8x15.
type$(idx) = "groupbox"
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx)+4 ; " "; yOrg(idx)+8 ;
print #form, "color black ; backcolor white ; size 1" ;
if Platform$ = "OS/2" then print #form, "backcolor palegray" ;
print #form, "down ; boxfilled "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-4; " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx)-7 ;
print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx)+8; " "; yOrg(idx)+15 ;
print #form, "\"; label$(idx);
gosub [createOrderMarker]
print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
print #form, "up ; flush" ;
print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
segment(idx) = id
orderMarker1$ = ""
orderMarker2$ = ""
if displayOrdering = 0 then return
orderMarker1$ = "color white ; backcolor black ; place " + str$(xOrg(idx)-4) + " " + str$(yOrg(idx)+7)
orderMarker2$ = "\" + str$(idx - 1)
'pop up a dialog for displaying/modifying control
if index < 2 then [inputLoop]
if inspectIsOpen = 1 then close #inspect
WindowHeight = 200
WindowWidth = 472
textbox #inspect.labelField, 140, 15, 220, 25
textbox #inspect.nameField, 140, 46, 220, 25
textbox #inspect.branchLabelField, 140, 77, 220, 25
textbox #inspect.arrayNameField, 140, 108, 220, 25
statictext #inspect.type, "Label:", 17, 21, 200, 20
statictext #inspect.type, "Name:", 17, 52, 200, 20
statictext #inspect.statictext2, "Branch Label(s):", 17, 83, 200, 20
statictext #inspect.statictext4, "Array:", 17, 113, 114, 20
button #inspect, "Accept", [acceptInspect], UL, 372, 15
button #inspect, "Cancel", [cancelInspect], UL, 372, 46
statictext #inspect.statictext15, "n/a = not", 374, 79, 70, 20
statictext #inspect.statictext16, "applicable", 374, 95, 70, 20
open "Modify Control" for dialog_modal as #inspect
print #inspect, "trapclose [cancelInspect]";
inspectIsOpen = 1
print #inspect.labelField, label$(index)
print #inspect.type, type$(index) + " name:"
print #inspect.nameField, names$(index)
print #inspect.branchLabelField, branchLabel$(index)
if instr(" button statictext checkbox radiobutton graphicbox groupbox ", type$(index)) = 0 then print #inspect.labelField, "n/a"
if instr(controlsThatBranch$, type$(index)) = 0 then print #inspect.branchLabelField, "n/a"
if instr(" listbox combobox ", type$(index)) > 0 then print #inspect.arrayNameField, arrayName$(index) else print #inspect.arrayNameField, "n/a"
goto [inputLoop]
'set the properties as modified by the user
isModified = 1 'the form has been modified
print #inspect.nameField, "!contents?" : input #inspect.nameField, names$ : names$(index) = names$
branches = instr(controlsThatBranch$, type$(index))
if branches > 0 then print #inspect.branchLabelField, "!contents?" : input #inspect.branchLabelField, bLabel$ : branchLabel$(index) = bLabel$
usesArray = instr(" listbox combobox ", type$(index))
if usesArray > 0 then print #inspect.arrayNameField, "!contents?" : input #inspect.arrayNameField, aName$ : arrayName$(index) = aName$
close #inspect
inspectIsOpen = 0
hasLabel = instr(" button statictext checkbox radiobutton groupbox graphicbox ", type$(index))
if hasLabel = 0 then [inputLoop]
print #inspect.labelField, "!contents?"
input #inspect.labelField, label$
if label$ <> label$(index) then label$(index) = label$ : gosub [redrawAll]
goto [inputLoop]
'close the inspector window
close #inspect
inspectIsOpen = 0
goto [inputLoop]
'set up event handling for the default behavior (selection)
print #form, "when leftButtonDown [selectControl]";
print #form, "when leftButtonDouble [inspectControl]";
print #form, "when leftButtonMove" ;
print #form, "when leftButtonUp" ;
goto [inputLoop]
'set up event handling
print #form, "when leftButtonUp [setForSelection]" ;
print #form, "when leftButtonDown" ;
'highlight the control at the mouse click position
x = MouseX : y = MouseY
if index = 0 then [dontDeselect]
'check to see if the resize handle has been clicked on, if applicable
if instr(resizeable$, type$(index)) = 0 then [deselect]
if x < xOrg(index)+width(index)-3 or x > xOrg(index)+width(index)+3 then [deselect]
if y < yOrg(index)+height(index)-3 or y > yOrg(index)+height(index)+3 then [deselect]
goto [resizeControl]
print #form, "delsegment "; selectId -1 ;
gosub [selectDeselect]
index = 0
print #form, "delsegment "; selectId - 1 ;
gosub [determineControl]
if newIndex = 0 then [setUpMovementEvent]
index = newIndex
gosub [selectDeselect]
lastMouseX = MouseX
lastMouseY = MouseY
if type$(newIndex) = "windowframe" then [inputLoop]
print #form, "when leftButtonMove [beginObjectMove]" ;
goto [inputLoop]
'based on x/y, determine which control is selected
'set newIndex to point to this control, if found
'otherwise set newIndex to 0
if objectCount = 0 then return
newIndex = 0
for i = objectCount to 1 step -1
if newIndex > 0 then [skipControl]
if type$(i) = "" then [skipControl]
if x < xOrg(i) or x > xOrg(i)+width(i) then [skipControl]
if y < yOrg(i) or y > yOrg(i)+height(i) then [skipControl]
newIndex = i
i = 1
next i
'select or deselect the object at index by drawing handles
xOrgIdx = xOrg(index)
yOrgIdx = yOrg(index)
xow = xOrgIdx+width(index)
yoh = yOrgIdx+height(index)
print #form, "rule xor ; down";
if type$(index) = "windowframe" then [drawSizingHandle]
print #form, "color darkgray ; backcolor white" ;
print #form, "place "; xOrgIdx-3; " "; yOrgIdx-3 ;
print #form, "boxfilled "; xOrgIdx+3; " "; yOrgIdx+3 ;
print #form, "place "; xow-3; " "; yOrgIdx-3 ;
print #form, "boxfilled "; xow+3; " "; yOrgIdx+3 ;
print #form, "place "; xOrgIdx-3; " "; yoh-3 ;
print #form, "boxfilled "; xOrgIdx+3; " "; yoh+3 ;
if instr(resizeable$, type$(index)) > 0 then print #form, "backcolor black" ;
print #form, "place "; xow-3; " "; yoh-3 ;
print #form, "boxfilled "; xow+3; " "; yoh+3 ;
print #form, "rule over ; flush" ;
print #form, "segment" ;
input #form, selectId
[deselectOnly] 'if there is a selected control, deselect it
if index = 0 then return 'nothing is selected, do nothing
print #form, "delsegment "; selectId -1 ;
gosub [selectDeselect]
index = 0
print #form, "delsegment "; selectId - 1 ;
'if the mouse has only slightly moved, ignore the event
if abs(MouseX - x) < 3 and abs(MouseY - y) < 3 then [inputLoop]
'set up to begin moving the selected object
print #form, "delsegment "; selectId - 1 ;
print #form, "when leftButtonMove [additionalObjectMoves]" ;
print #form, "when leftButtonUp [acceptMovement]" ;
'adjust the position of the selected object, then draw an object frame the size of the
'selected object at that new position using xor rule. set event handling to manage
'additional movements or termination of this object's movement.
gosub [snapMouse]
if MouseX = lastMouseX and MouseY = lastMouseY then [inputLoop]
gosub [eraseObjectFrame]
xOrg(index) = xOrg(index) + (MouseX - lastMouseX)
yOrg(index) = yOrg(index) + (MouseY - lastMouseY)
gosub [snapXY]
lastMouseX = MouseX
lastMouseY = MouseY
print #form, "color black ; backcolor white ; size 1" ;
print #form, "place "; xOrg(index); " "; yOrg(index) ;
print #form, "down ; rule xor ; box "; xOrg(index)+width(index); " "; yOrg(index)+height(index) ;
print #form, "rule over ; up ; flush" ;
print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
print #form, "delsegment "; id - 1 ;
goto [inputLoop]
'erase the object frame (for movement)
print #form, "color black ; backcolor white ; size 1" ;
print #form, "place "; xOrg(index); " "; yOrg(index) ;
print #form, "down ; rule xor ; box "; xOrg(index)+width(index); " "; yOrg(index)+height(index) ;
print #form, "rule over ; up ; flush" ;
print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
print #form, "delsegment "; id - 1 ;
if width(index) < 25 then width(index) = 25
if type$(index) <> "textbox" and height(index) < 20 then height(index) = 20
if type$(index) = "textbox" and height(index) < 25 then height(index) = 25
if type$(index) <> "windowframe" then [acceptMovement]
if width(index) < 100 then width(index) = 100
if height(index) < 50 then height(index) = 50
windowXExtent = width(index)
windowYExtent = height(index)
'end the movement phase, and redraw all objects
print #form, "delsegment "; segment(index) - 1 ;
gosub [redrawAll]
'index = 0
gosub [selectDeselect]
firstObjectMove = false
goto [setForSelection]
'set up to begin resizing the selected object
firstObjectMove = true
print #form, "delsegment "; selectId - 1 ;
print #form, "when leftButtonMove [additionalResizes]" ;
print #form, "when leftButtonUp [acceptResizing]" ;
gosub [snapMouse]
lastMouseX = MouseX
lastMouseY = MouseY
'adjust the position of the selected object, then draw an object frame the size of the
'selected object at that new position using xor rule. set event handling to manage
'additional movements or termination of this object's movement.
if firstObjectMove = false then gosub [eraseObjectFrame]
gosub [snapMouse]
width(index) = width(index) + (MouseX - lastMouseX)
height(index) = height(index) + (MouseY - lastMouseY)
gosub [snapWH]
lastMouseX = MouseX
lastMouseY = MouseY
print #form, "color black ; backcolor white ; size 1" ;
print #form, "place "; xOrg(index); " "; yOrg(index) ;
print #form, "down ; rule xor ; box "; xOrg(index)+width(index); " "; yOrg(index)+height(index) ;
print #form, "rule over ; up ; flush" ;
print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
print #form, "delsegment "; id - 1 ;
goto [inputLoop]
[snapMouse] 'if snapOn is selected, then snap the mouse to grid
if snapOn = 0 then return
MouseX = int((MouseX + int(xInterval / 2)) / xInterval) * xInterval
MouseY = int((MouseY + int(yInterval / 2)) / yInterval) * yInterval
[snapWH] 'if snapOn is selected, then snap the width & height to grid
if snapOn = 0 then return
width(index) = int((width(index) + int(xInterval / 2)) / xInterval) * xInterval
height(index) = int((height(index) + int(yInterval / 2)) / yInterval) * yInterval
[snapXY] 'if snapOn is selected, then snap the x,y position to grid
if snapOn = 0 then return
xOrg(index) = int((xOrg(index) + int(xInterval / 2)) / xInterval) * xInterval
yOrg(index) = int((yOrg(index) + int(yInterval / 2)) / yInterval) * yInterval
'redraw all controls
isModified = 1 'the form has been modified
print #form, "cls";
index = 0
gosub [renderWindow]
if objectCount = 0 then return
for idx = 1 to objectCount
typeIdx$ = type$(idx)
if typeIdx$ = "textbox" then gosub [renderTextBox] : goto [redrawNext]
if typeIdx$ = "statictext" then gosub [renderStaticText] : goto [redrawNext]
if typeIdx$ = "button" then gosub [renderButton] : goto [redrawNext]
if typeIdx$ = "combobox" then gosub [renderComboBox] : goto [redrawNext]
if typeIdx$ = "listbox" then gosub [renderListBox] : goto [redrawNext]
if typeIdx$ = "bmpbutton" then gosub [renderBmpButton] : goto [redrawNext]
if typeIdx$ = "radiobutton" then gosub [renderRadioButton] : goto [redrawNext]
if typeIdx$ = "checkbox" then gosub [renderCheckBox] : goto [redrawNext]
if typeIdx$ = "groupbox" then gosub [renderGroupBox] : goto [redrawNext]
if typeIdx$ = "graphicbox" then gosub [renderGraphicBox] : goto [redrawNext]
if typeIdx$ = "textedit" then gosub [renderTextEdit]
next idx
'move the selected control to the back (first item drawn)
if index < 2 or objectCount < 2 then [inputLoop]
if index = 2 then gosub [redrawAll] : goto [inputLoop]
tmpType$ = type$(index)
tmpLabel$ = label$(index)
tmpNames$ = names$(index)
tmpXOrigin = xOrg(index)
tmpYOrigin = yOrg(index)
tmpWidth = width(index)
tmpHeight = height(index)
tmpCorner$ = corner$(index)
tmpBranchLabel$ = branchLabel$(index)
tmpSegment = segment(index)
tmpHandle$ = handle$(index)
tmpBmpName$ = bmpName$(index)
tmpArrayName$ = arrayName$(index)
for idx = index - 1 to 2 step -1
type$(idx+1) = type$(idx)
label$(idx+1) = label$(idx)
names$(idx+1) = names$(idx)
xOrg(idx+1) = xOrg(idx)
yOrg(idx+1) = yOrg(idx)
width(idx+1) = width(idx)
height(idx+1) = height(idx)
corner$(idx+1) = corner$(idx)
branchLabel$(idx+1) = branchLabel$(idx)
segment(idx+1) = segment(idx)
handle$(idx+1) = handle$(idx)
bmpName$(idx+1) = bmpName$(idx)
arrayName$(idx+1) = arrayName$(idx)
next idx
type$(2) = tmpType$
label$(2) = tmpLabel$
names$(2) = tmpNames$
xOrg(2) = tmpXOrigin
yOrg(2) = tmpYOrigin
width(2) = tmpWidth
height(2) = tmpHeight
corner$(2) = tmpCorner$
branchLabel$(2) = tmpBranchLabel$
segment(2) = tmpSegment
handle$(2) = tmpHandle$
bmpName$(2) = tmpBmpName$
arrayName$(2) = tmpArrayName$
gosub [redrawAll]
index = 0 'necessary here
goto [inputLoop]
'move the selected control to the front (last item drawn)
if index < 2 or objectCount < 2 then [inputLoop]
if index = objectCount then gosub [redrawAll] : goto [inputLoop]
tmpType$ = type$(index)
tmpLabel$ = label$(index)
tmpNames$ = names$(index)
tmpXOrigin = xOrg(index)
tmpYOrigin = yOrg(index)
tmpWidth = width(index)
tmpHeight = height(index)
tmpCorner$ = corner$(index)
tmpBranchLabel$ = branchLabel$(index)
tmpSegment = segment(index)
tmpHandle$ = handle$(index)
tmpBmpName$ = bmpName$(index)
tmpArrayName$ = arrayName$(index)
for idx = index to objectCount - 1
type$(idx) = type$(idx+1)
label$(idx) = label$(idx+1)
names$(idx) = names$(idx+1)
xOrg(idx) = xOrg(idx+1)
yOrg(idx) = yOrg(idx+1)
width(idx) = width(idx+1)
height(idx) = height(idx+1)
corner$(idx) = corner$(idx+1)
branchLabel$(idx) = branchLabel$(idx+1)
segment(idx) = segment(idx+1)
handle$(idx) = handle$(idx+1)
bmpName$(idx) = bmpName$(idx+1)
arrayName$(idx) = arrayName$(idx+1)
next idx
type$(objectCount) = tmpType$
label$(objectCount) = tmpLabel$
names$(objectCount) = tmpNames$
xOrg(objectCount) = tmpXOrigin
yOrg(objectCount) = tmpYOrigin
width(objectCount) = tmpWidth
height(objectCount) = tmpHeight
corner$(objectCount) = tmpCorner$
branchLabel$(objectCount) = tmpBranchLabel$
segment(objectCount) = tmpSegment
handle$(objectCount) = tmpHandle$
bmpName$(objectCount) = tmpBmpName$
arrayName$(objectCount) = tmpArrayName$
gosub [redrawAll]
gosub [selectDeselect]
goto [inputLoop]
'delete the selected control
if index < 2 then [inputLoop]
'delete graphical segments and clean up display
print #form, "delsegment "; selectId -1 ;
gosub [selectDeselect]
print #form, "delsegment "; selectId - 1 ;
for idx = index to objectCount
type$(idx) = type$(idx+1)
label$(idx) = label$(idx+1)
names$(idx) = names$(idx+1)
xOrg(idx) = xOrg(idx+1)
yOrg(idx) = yOrg(idx+1)
width(idx) = width(idx+1)
height(idx) = height(idx+1)
corner$(idx) = corner$(idx+1)
branchLabel$(idx) = branchLabel$(idx+1)
segment(idx) = segment(idx+1)
handle$(idx) = handle$(idx+1)
bmpName$(idx) = bmpName$(idx+1)
arrayName$(idx) = arrayName$(idx+1)
next idx
objectCount = objectCount - 1
gosub [redrawAll]
index = 0
goto [inputLoop]
'set a flag so that an outline will be added
produceOutline = 1
'produce code for the controls in the form
if codeIsOpen = 1 then close #code : codeIsOpen = 0
open "Free Form output window" for text as #code
codeIsOpen = 1
print #code, ""
print #code, ""
print #code, " WindowWidth = "; windowXExtent
print #code, " WindowHeight = "; windowYExtent
print #code, ""
if left$(windowType$, 8) = "graphics" then print #code, " nomainwin";chr$(13); ""
if objectCount < 2 then [menuCode]
for x = 2 to objectCount
if type$(x) = "button" then gosub [codeForButton]
if type$(x) = "combobox" then gosub [codeForComboBox]
if type$(x) = "textbox" then gosub [codeForTextBox]
if type$(x) = "listbox" then gosub [codeForListBox]
if type$(x) = "bmpbutton" then gosub [codeForBmpButton]
if type$(x) = "statictext" then gosub [codeForStaticText]
if type$(x) = "radiobutton" then gosub [codeForRadioButton]
if type$(x) = "checkbox" then gosub [codeForCheckBox]
if type$(x) = "graphicbox" then gosub [codeForGraphicBox]
if type$(x) = "groupbox" then gosub [codeForGroupBox]
if type$(x) = "textedit" then gosub [codeForTextEdit]
print #code, code$
next x
[menuCode] 'write menu code
if menuCount = 0 then [noMenuCode]
if left$(windowType$, 6) = "dialog" then print #code, " '*** menus are not supported in windows of type "; windowType$; " ***"
for x = 0 to menuCount - 1
print #code, " menu "; winHandle$; ", "; qu$; menu$(x); qu$;
if menuItemCount(x) = 0 then print #code, ", "; chr$(34); "&FixMe"; chr$(34); ", [fixMe] ' <-- this menu has no items!" : goto [produceNextMenu]
for y = 0 to menuItemCount(x) - 1
print #code, ", ";
mi$ = menuItem$(x, y)
print #code, qu$; left$(mi$, instr(mi$, chr$(0)) - 1) ; qu$;
print #code, ", "; mid$(mi$, instr(mi$, chr$(0)) + 1) ;
next y
print #code, ""
next x
[noMenuCode] 'don't produce menu code
print #code, " open "; qu$; windowLabel$; qu$; " for "; windowType$; " as "; winHandle$
for idx = 1 to objectCount
if type$(idx) = "graphicbox" then print #code, " print ";winHandle$;".graph, ";qu$;"fill "; boxcolor$;"; flush";qu$
next idx
if left$(windowType$, 8) = "graphics" then print #code, " print ";winHandle$;", ";qu$;"fill "; wincolor$;"; flush";qu$
if produceOutline = 0 then [doneProducingCode]
inputLoopLabel$ = "[" + mid$(winHandle$, 2) + ".inputLoop]"
print #code, ""
print #code, ""
print #code, inputLoopLabel$; " 'wait here for input event"
print #code, " input aVar$"
print #code, " goto "; inputLoopLabel$
print #code, ""
produceOutline = 0
branchLabels$ = ""
if objectCount < 2 then [outlineForMenus]
for x = 2 to objectCount
if left$(trim$(branchLabel$(x)), 1) <> "[" then [nextOutlineObject]
if instr(trim$(branchLabel$(x)), " ") > 0 then gosub [handleMultiBranchLabels] : goto [nextOutlineObject]
if instr(branchLabels$, branchLabel$(x)) > 0 then [nextOutlineObject]
branchLabels$ = branchLabels$ + " " + branchLabel$(x)
print #code, ""
print #code, ""
print #code, branchLabel$(x); " 'Perform action for the "; type$(x); " named '"; names$(x); "'"
print #code, ""
print #code, " 'Insert your own code here"
print #code, ""
print #code, " goto "; inputLoopLabel$
next x
[outlineForMenus] 'produce outline code for menus
if menuCount = 0 then [doneProducingCode]
for x = 0 to menuCount - 1
if menuItemCount(x) = 0 then [writeNextMenu]
for y = 0 to menuItemCount(x) - 1
mi$ = menuItem$(x, y)
bl$ = mid$(mi$, instr(mi$, chr$(0)) + 1)
if instr(branchLabels$, bl$) > 0 then [writeNextMenuItem]
branchLabels$ = branchLabels$ + " " + bl$
print #code, ""
print #code, ""
print #code, bl$; " 'Perform action for menu "; menu$(x); ", item "; left$(mi$, instr(mi$, chr$(0)) - 1)
print #code, ""
print #code, " 'Insert your own code here"
next y
next x
notice "Done. Copy this code into your program."
goto [inputLoop]
[handleMultiBranchLabels] 'handle the case where a control has more than 1 branching option
if instr(branchLabels$, word$(branchLabel$(x), 1)) > 0 then [nextMultiBranchLabel]
print #code, ""
print #code, ""
print #code, word$(branchLabel$(x), 1); " 'Perform action for the "; type$(x); " named '"; names$(x); "'"
print #code, ""
print #code, " 'Insert your own code here"
print #code, ""
print #code, " goto "; inputLoopLabel$
branchLabels$ = branchLabels$ + " " + word$(branchLabel$(x), 1)
if instr(branchLabels$, word$(branchLabel$(x), 2)) > 0 then [doneMultiBranchLabel]
print #code, ""
print #code, ""
print #code, word$(branchLabel$(x), 2); " 'Perform action for the "; type$(x); " named '"; names$(x); "'"
print #code, ""
print #code, " 'Insert your own code here"
print #code, ""
print #code, " goto "; inputLoopLabel$
branchLabels$ = branchLabels$ + " " + word$(branchLabel$(x), 2)
'produce code for a text button
code$ = " button "+winHandle$+"."+names$(x)+", "+qu$+label$(x)+qu$+", "+branchLabel$(x)+", "+corner$(x)+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
'produce code for a bmp button
code$ = " bmpbutton "+winHandle$+"."+names$(x)+", "+qu$+bmpName$(x)+qu$+", "+branchLabel$(x)+", "+corner$(x)+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)
'produce code for a text box
code$ = " textbox "+winHandle$+"."+names$(x)+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
'produce code for a static text
code$ = " statictext "+winHandle$+"."+names$(x)+", "+qu$+label$(x)+qu$+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
'produce code for a group box
code$ = " groupbox "+winHandle$+", "+qu$+label$(x)+qu$+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
'produce code for a graphic box
code$ = " graphicbox "+winHandle$+".graph, "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
'produce code for a listbox
code$ = " listbox "+winHandle$+"."+names$(x)+", "+arrayName$(x)+", "+branchLabel$(x)+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
'produce code for a listbox
code$ = " combobox "+winHandle$+"."+names$(x)+", "+arrayName$(x)+", "+branchLabel$(x)+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
'produce code for a radiobutton
code$ = " radiobutton "+winHandle$+"."+names$(x)+", "+qu$+label$(x)+qu$+", "+word$(branchLabel$(x), 1)+", "+word$(branchLabel$(x), 2)+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
'produce code for a checkbox
code$ = " checkbox "+winHandle$+"."+names$(x)+", "+qu$+label$(x)+qu$+", "+word$(branchLabel$(x), 1)+", "+word$(branchLabel$(x), 2)+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
'produce code for a text edit box
code$ = " texteditor "+winHandle$+"."+names$(x)+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
'clear the contents of the form editor and start over
if isModified = 1 then gosub [formIsModified]
newControlNumber = 0
windowLabel$ = "untitled"
windowType$ = "window"
objectCount = 0
winHandle$ = "#main"
windowXExtent = 550
windowYExtent = 410
gosub [clearMenuData]
gosub [addWindowFrame]
gosub [redrawAll]
isModified = 0
goto [inputLoop]
'abort if no controls
if objectCount < 2 then notice "No controls. Save aborted" : goto [inputLoop]
'save the form into a *.fre file
if formName$ = "" then formName$ = "untitled.fre"
filedialog "Save form", "*.fre", formName$
if formName$ = "" then [inputLoop]
gosub [saveFormSubroutine]
notice "Done. File saved as " + formName$
goto [inputLoop]
[saveFormSubroutine] 'the subroutine portion of the save routine
open formName$ for output as #formOut
print #formOut, newControlNumber
print #formOut, windowLabel$
print #formOut, windowType$
print #formOut, objectCount
print #formOut, winHandle$
print #formOut, snapOn
print #formOut, xInterval
print #formOut, yInterval
print #formOut, menuCount
print #formOut, windowXExtent
print #formOut, windowYExtent
for i = 2 to objectCount
print #formOut, type$(i)
print #formOut, label$(i)
print #formOut, names$(i)
print #formOut, xOrg(i)
print #formOut, yOrg(i)
print #formOut, width(i)
print #formOut, height(i)
print #formOut, corner$(i)
print #formOut, branchLabel$(i)
print #formOut, segment(i)
print #formOut, handle$(i)
print #formOut, bmpName$(i)
print #formOut, arrayName$(i)
next i
'Now write the menu information
if menuCount = 0 then [noMenusToSave]
for i = 0 to menuCount - 1
print #formOut, menu$(i)
print #formOut, menuItemCount(i)
if menuItemCount(i) = 0 then [noMenuItemsToSave]
for j = 0 to menuItemCount(i) - 1
print #formOut, menuItem$(i, j)
next j
next i
close #formOut
'load the form from a *.fre file
if isModified = 1 then gosub [formIsModified]
filedialog "Load form", "*.fre", formName$
if formName$ = "" then [inputLoop]
gosub [clearMenuData]
objectCount = 0
gosub [addWindowFrame]
open formName$ for input as #formIn
input #formIn, newControlNumber
input #formIn, windowLabel$
input #formIn, windowType$
input #formIn, objectCount
input #formIn, winHandle$
input #formIn, snapOn
input #formIn, xInterval
input #formIn, yInterval
input #formIn, menuCount
input #formIn, windowXExtent
input #formIn, windowYExtent
width(1) = windowXExtent
height(1) = windowYExtent
for i = 2 to objectCount
input #formIn, tmp$ : type$(i) = tmp$
input #formIn, tmp$ : label$(i) = tmp$
input #formIn, tmp$ : names$(i) = tmp$
input #formIn, tmp : xOrg(i) = tmp
input #formIn, tmp : yOrg(i) = tmp
input #formIn, tmp : width(i) = tmp
input #formIn, tmp : height(i) = tmp
input #formIn, tmp$ : corner$(i) = tmp$
input #formIn, tmp$ : branchLabel$(i) = tmp$
input #formIn, tmp : segment(i) = tmp
input #formIn, tmp$ : handle$(i) = tmp$
input #formIn, tmp$ : bmpName$(i) = tmp$
if trim$(tmp$) > "" then loadbmp tmp$, tmp$
input #formIn, tmp$ : arrayName$(i) = tmp$
next i
if menuCount = 0 then [noMenusToRead]
for i = 0 to menuCount - 1
input #formIn, tmp$ : menu$(i)=tmp$
input #formIn, tmp : menuItemCount(i) = tmp
if menuItemCount(i) = 0 then [noMenuItemsToRead]
for j = 0 to menuItemCount(i) - 1
input #formIn, tmp$ : menuItem$(i, j) = tmp$
next j
next i
close #formIn
gosub [redrawAll]
isModified = 0
goto [inputLoop]
[gridDialog] 'open a dialog box for selecting & adjusting snap to grid
WindowWidth = 350
WindowHeight = 225
if gridDialogIsOpen = 1 then close #gridDialog
statictext #gridDialog.statictext2, "Select here whether control positions will", 26, 16, 336, 20
statictext #gridDialog.statictext5, "automatically snap to gridded positions,", 26, 35, 320, 20
statictext #gridDialog.statictext6, "and what the interval will be.", 26, 54, 240, 20
checkbox #gridDialog.snapOnOff, "Snap to Grid", [snapOn], [snapOff], 26, 85, 120, 20
statictext #gridDialog.statictext7, "X interval:", 34, 112, 70, 20
textbox #gridDialog.xIntrvl, 111, 106, 38, 25
statictext #gridDialog.statictext9, "Y interval:", 178, 112, 70, 20
textbox #gridDialog.yIntrvl, 255, 106, 38, 25
button #gridDialog, "OK", [acceptGridDialog], UL, 99, 149
button #gridDialog, "Cancel", [cancelGridDialog], UL, 29, 149
open "Snap to Grid" for dialog_modal as #gridDialog
print #gridDialog, "trapclose [cancelGridDialog]"
gridDialogIsOpen = 1
if snapOn = 1 then snapOnSelected = 1 : print #gridDialog.snapOnOff, "set"
print #gridDialog.xIntrvl, xInterval
print #gridDialog.yIntrvl, yInterval
goto [inputLoop]
[snapOn] 'Perform on action for the checkbox named 'snapOnOff'
snapOnSelected = 1
goto [inputLoop]
[snapOff] 'Perform off action for the checkbox named 'snapOnOff'
snapOnSelected = 0
goto [inputLoop]
snapOn = snapOnSelected
print #gridDialog.xIntrvl, "!contents?"
input #gridDialog.xIntrvl, xInterval
print #gridDialog.yIntrvl, "!contents?"
input #gridDialog.yIntrvl, yInterval
gridDialogIsOpen = 0
close #gridDialog
goto [inputLoop]
[addAMenu] 'add a new menu item
WindowWidth = 400
WindowHeight = 230
listbox #newMenu.menuNames, menu$(, [inputLoop], 14, 36, 120, 120
statictext #newMenu.statictext2, "Defined Menus", 14, 16, 104, 20
statictext #newMenu.statictext3, "Enter new menu name here:", 150, 16, 200, 20
textbox #newMenu.newMenuName, 150, 36, 208, 25
button #newMenu, "Accept", [acceptNewMenu], UL, 302, 131
button #newMenu, "Cancel", [cancelNewMenu], UL, 302, 101
open "Add a Menu" for dialog_modal as #newMenu
print #newMenu, "trapclose [cancelNewMenu]";
goto [inputLoop]
[cancelNewMenu] 'Perform action for the button named 'cancelNewMenu'
'close the dialog box
close #newMenu
goto [inputLoop]
[clearMenuData] 'reset menu data arrays and indices
for x = 0 to 20
menu$(x) = ""
for y = 0 to 30
menuItem$(x, y) = ""
next y
next x
menuCount = 0
[acceptNewMenu] 'Perform action for the button named 'acceptNewMenu'
'add this menu onto the list of menus, and update the display as needed
print #newMenu.newMenuName, "!contents?";
input #newMenu.newMenuName, result$
if result$ = "" then notice "Please type a name for a new menu." : goto [inputLoop]
close #newMenu
menu$(menuCount) = result$
menuCount = menuCount + 1
if menuCount > 1 then gosub [redrawAll] : goto [inputLoop]
'since this is the first menu added, reposition all controls 20 pixels down
if objectCount < 2 then gosub [redrawAll] : goto [inputLoop]
for x = 2 to objectCount
yOrg(x) = yOrg(x) + 20
next x
gosub [redrawAll]
goto [inputLoop]
[removeMenu] 'remove a menu from the list of menus
if menuCount = 0 then notice "No menus to remove." : goto [inputLoop]
if removeMenuIsOpen = 1 then close #removeMenu
WindowWidth = 330
WindowHeight = 195
statictext #removeMenu.statictext1, "Select a menu to remove:", 26, 16, 192, 20
listbox #removeMenu.menusToRemove, menu$(, [acceptRemoveMenu], 22, 41, 208, 100
button #removeMenu, "Accept", [acceptRemoveMenu], UL, 246, 81
button #removeMenu, "Cancel", [cancelRemoveMenu], UL, 246, 111
open "Remove a Menu" for dialog_modal as #removeMenu
print #removeMenu, "trapclose [cancelRemoveMenu]";
removeMenuIsOpen = 1
goto [inputLoop]
[acceptRemoveMenu] 'get the name of the selected item, and remove it
print #removeMenu.menusToRemove, "selectionIndex?"
input #removeMenu.menusToRemove, result
close #removeMenu
removeMenuIsOpen = 0
if result = 0 then notice "No item selected. Menu not removed." : goto [inputLoop]
menuCount = menuCount - 1
result = result - 1
if result = menuCount then menu$(result) = "" : goto [checkForEmptyMenuBar]
for x = result to menuCount
menu$(x) = menu$(x+1)
next x
[checkForEmptyMenuBar] 'if there are no more menus, shift controls up 20 pixels
if menuCount > 0 then gosub [redrawAll] : goto [inputLoop]
for x = 2 to objectCount
yOrg(x) = yOrg(x) - 20
next x
gosub [redrawAll]
goto [inputLoop]
[cancelRemoveMenu] 'close the remove menu dialog
close #removeMenu
removeMenuIsOpen = 0
goto [inputLoop]
[editMenus] 'edit menu order and menu contents
if menuCount = 0 then notice "No menus to edit." : goto [inputLoop]
if editMenuIsOpen = 1 then close #editMenu
WindowWidth = 450
WindowHeight = 375
listbox #editMenu.menuList, menu$(, [selectMenuToEdit], 14, 31, 112, 105
listbox #editMenu.menuItems, menuItemLocal$(, [selectMenuItemToEdit], 14, 166, 288, 145
statictext #editMenu.statictext6, "Menus:", 14, 11, 48, 20
statictext #editMenu.statictext14, "Menu line items -> Branch labels:", 14, 146, 240, 20
button #editMenu, "&Close", [closeMenuEdit], UL, 326, 21
button #editMenu, "&New Item", [addNewMenuItem], UL, 310, 166
button #editMenu, "&Edit", [editMenuItem], UL, 310, 196
button #editMenu, "Move &Up", [moveMenuItemUp], UL, 310, 226
button #editMenu, "&Move Dn", [moveMenuItemDown], UL, 310, 256
button #editMenu, "&Delete", [deleteMenuItem], UL, 310, 286
button #editMenu, "&To Top", [moveMenuToTop], UL, 134, 41
open "Edit Menus" for dialog_modal as #editMenu
print #editMenu, "trapclose [closeMenuEdit]";
print #editMenu.menuList, "singleclickselect";
print #editMenu.menuItems, "singleclickselect";
editMenuIsOpen = 1
menuItemIndex = 0
result = 0
goto [inputLoop]
[selectMenuToEdit] 'Perform action for the listbox named 'menuList'
'populate the listbox named menuItems
print #editMenu.menuList, "selectionIndex?"
input #editMenu.menuList, result
for x = 0 to 29
mil$ = menuItem$(result - 1, x)
if mil$ <> "" then mil$ = left$(mil$, instr(mil$, chr$(0)) - 1) + " -> " + mid$(mil$, instr(mil$, chr$(0)) + 1)
menuItemLocal$(x) = mil$
next x
print #editMenu.menuItems, "reload"
menuItemIndex = 0
goto [inputLoop]
[moveMenuToTop] 'move the selected menu to the top of the list
'if there is no selection, or if the selected item is already on top, do nothing
if result = 0 or result = 1 then [inputLoop]
menu$(20) = menu$(result - 1)
for x = 0 to 29
menuItem$(20, x) = menuItem$(result - 1, x)
next x
for x = result - 1 to 1 step -1
menu$(x) = menu$(x - 1)
for y = 0 to 29
menuItem$(x, y) = menuItem$(x - 1, y)
next y
next x
menu$(0) = menu$(20)
menu$(20) = ""
for x = 0 to 29
menuItem$(0, x) = menuItem$(20, x)
menuItem$(20, x) = ""
next x
print #editMenu.menuList, "reload"
print #editMenu.menuList, "selectIndex 1"
result = 1
'now continue on to the next routine!
[selectMenuItemToEdit] 'Perform action for the listbox named 'menuItems'
'set the selection index for the menu item to edit
print #editMenu.menuItems, "selectionIndex?"
input #editMenu.menuItems, menuItemIndex
goto [inputLoop]
[addNewMenuItem] 'Perform action for the button named 'newItemButton'
'Insert your own code here
if result = 0 then [inputLoop]
if editMenuItemIsOpen = 1 then gosub [closeEditMenuItem]
menuItemCount(result - 1) = menuItemCount(result - 1) + 1
menuItemIndex = menuItemCount(result - 1)
editMenuItemAction$ = "ADD"
goto [editMenuItemProperties]
[editMenuItem] 'Perform action for the button named 'editMenuItem'
'Insert your own code here
if menuItemIndex = 0 then [inputLoop]
if editMenuItemIsOpen = 1 then gosub [closeEditMenuItem]
editMenuItemAction$ = "EDIT"
goto [editMenuItemProperties]
[moveMenuItemUp] 'Perform action for the button named 'moveMenuItemUp'
'Insert your own code here
if menuItemIndex = 1 or menuItemIndex = 0 then [inputLoop]
tmpMi$ = menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 1)
menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 1) = menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 2)
menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 2) = tmpMi$
gosub [reloadLocalMenuItems]
menuItemIndex = menuItemIndex - 1
print #editMenu.menuItems, "selectIndex "; menuItemIndex
goto [inputLoop]
[moveMenuItemDown] 'Perform action for the button named 'moveMenuItemDown'
'Insert your own code here
if result = 0 then [inputLoop]
if menuItemIndex = menuItemCount(result - 1) or menuItemIndex = 0 then [inputLoop]
tmpMi$ = menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 1)
menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 1) = menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex)
menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex) = tmpMi$
gosub [reloadLocalMenuItems]
menuItemIndex = menuItemIndex + 1
print #editMenu.menuItems, "selectIndex "; menuItemIndex
goto [inputLoop]
[deleteMenuItem] 'Perform action for the button named 'deleteMenuItem'
'Insert your own code here
if result = 0 then [inputLoop]
if menuItemCount(result - 1) = 0 or menuItemIndex = 0 then [inputLoop]
for x = menuItemIndex to 30
menuItem$(result - 1, x - 1) = menuItem$(result - 1, x)
next x
gosub [reloadLocalMenuItems]
menuItemIndex = 0
[reloadLocalMenuItems] 'reload the contents of the menu items listbox
for x = 0 to 29
mil$ = menuItem$(result - 1, x)
if mil$ <> "" then mil$ = left$(mil$, instr(mil$, chr$(0)) - 1) + " -> " + mid$(mil$, instr(mil$, chr$(0)) + 1)
menuItemLocal$(x) = mil$
next x
print #editMenu.menuItems, "reload"
[closeMenuEdit] 'Perform action for the button named 'closeMenuEdit'
'close the menu editing dialog and redraw the form
for x = 0 to 29 : menuItemLocal$(x) = "" : next x
close #editMenu
editMenuIsOpen = 0
'gosub [redrawAll]
goto [inputLoop]
[editMenuItemProperties] 'open a dialog for editing menu item properties
WindowWidth = 350
WindowHeight = 150
textbox #menuItems.name, 134, 16, 184, 25
textbox #menuItems.branchLabel, 134, 51, 184, 25
statictext #menuItems.statictext6, "Name:", 22, 21, 40, 20
statictext #menuItems.statictext7, "Branch Label:", 22, 56, 104, 20
button #menuItems, "Accept", [acceptMenuItemProps], UL, 198, 86
button #menuItems, "Cancel", [cancelMenuItemProps], UL, 262, 86
open "Menu Item Properties" for dialog_modal as #menuItems
editMenuItemIsOpen = 1
print #menuItems.name, "???"
print #menuItems.branchLabel, "[???]"
if menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 1) = "" then [inputLoop]
mi$ = menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 1)
print #menuItems.name, left$(mi$, instr(mi$, chr$(0)) - 1)
print #menuItems.branchLabel, mid$(mi$, instr(mi$, chr$(0)) + 1)
goto [inputLoop]
[acceptMenuItemProps] 'Perform action for the button named 'acceptMenuItemProps'
'accept the edited menu item
print #menuItems.name, "!contents?";
input #menuItems.name, nResult$
print #menuItems.branchLabel, "!contents?";
input #menuItems.branchLabel, blResult$
if nResult$ = "" or blResult$ = "" then notice "Bad menu item properties." : goto [inputLoop]
blr$ = blResult$
if left$(blResult$, 1) <> "[" then blResult$ = "[" + blResult$
if right$(blResult$, 1) <> "]" then blResult$ = blResult$ + "]"
if blr$ <> blResult$ then notice "Branch Label was " + blr$ + ", defaulting to " + blResult$
menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 1) = nResult$ + chr$(0) + blResult$
menuItemLocal$(menuItemIndex - 1) = nResult$ + " -> " + blResult$
close #menuItems
editMenuItemIsOpen = 0
print #editMenu.menuItems, "reload"
goto [inputLoop]
[cancelMenuItemProps] 'Perform action for the button named 'cancelMenuItemProps'
'close the window
gosub [closeEditMenuItem]
goto [inputLoop]
[closeEditMenuItem] 'close the window before opening it again
'close the window
close #menuItems
if editMenuItemAction$ = "ADD" then menuItemCount(result - 1) = menuItemCount(result - 1) - 1
editMenuItemIsOpen = 0
[formIsModified] 'the form has been modified, offer to save
isModified = 0 ' set the isModified flag to be 0
if objectCount < 2 then return ' if there are no objects, don't offer to save form
confirm "Save changes to " + formName$ + "?"; answer$
if answer$ = "yes" then gosub [saveFormSubroutine]
[settingsDialog] 'edit the settings for FreeForm
WindowWidth = 336
WindowHeight = 200
checkbox #settings.creationInspect, "Inspect each control when created", [creationInspectSet], [creationInspectClear], 22, 16, 280, 19
checkbox #settings.displayOrdering, "Display control ordering", [displayOrderingSet], [displayOrderingReset], 22, 36, 208, 19
checkbox #settings.displayFormat, "Screen Layout Displayed for Win95 Format", [displayFormatSet], [displayFormatReset], 22, 56, 300, 19
button #settings, "Accept", [settingsAccept], UL, 254, 101
button #settings, "Cancel", [settingsCancel], UL, 254, 130
open "Settings" for dialog_modal as #settings
print #settings, "trapclose [settingsCancel]"
createInspectValue = createInspect
if createInspect > 0 then print #settings.creationInspect, "set"
displayOrderingValue = displayOrdering
if displayOrdering > 0 then print #settings.displayOrdering, "set"
displayFormatValue = displayFormat
if displayFormat > 0 then print #settings.displayFormat, "set"
[settings.inputLoop] 'wait here for input event
input aVar$
goto [settings.inputLoop]
[creationInspectSet] 'set value for inspect on create
createInspectValue = 1
goto [settings.inputLoop]
[creationInspectClear] 'set value for no inspect on create
createInspectValue = 0
goto [settings.inputLoop]
[displayOrderingSet] 'set value for displaying of control ordering
displayOrderingValue = 1
goto [settings.inputLoop]
[displayOrderingReset] 'set value for non-displaying of control ordering
displayOrderingValue = 0
goto [settings.inputLoop]
displayFormatValue = 1
goto [settings.inputLoop]
displayFormatValue = 0
goto [settings.inputLoop]
[settingsAccept] 'accept the settings
createInspect = createInspectValue
displayOrdering = displayOrderingValue
displayFormat = displayFormatValue
close #settings
if displayFormat = 0 then loadbmp "systemBox", "bmp\systembx.bmp"
if displayFormat = 1 and left$(windowType$, 6) = "dialog" then loadbmp "systemBox", "bmp\95sysbxd.bmp"
if displayFormat = 1 and left$(windowType$, 6) <> "dialog" then loadbmp "systemBox", "bmp\95sysbx.bmp"
if displayFormat = 0 then loadbmp "minBox", "bmp\minbx.bmp" else loadbmp "minBox", "bmp\95minbx.bmp"
if displayFormat = 0 then loadbmp "maxBox", "bmp\maxbx.bmp" else loadbmp "maxBox", "bmp\95maxbx.bmp"
if Platform$ = "Windows" and displayFormat = 0 then print #form, "font fixedsys 8 15";
if Platform$ = "Windows" and displayFormat = 1 then print #form, "font system 7 16";
gosub [redrawAll]
goto [inputLoop]
[settingsCancel] 'discard any settings changes
close #settings
goto [settings.inputLoop]
[loadIniFile] 'load the user preferences
open "fflite.ini" for input as #ini
if eof(#ini) then close #ini : gosub [saveIniFile] : return
input #ini, xInterval 'snap to x
input #ini, yInterval 'snap to y
input #ini, snapOn 'snap to on/off
input #ini, createInspect 'inspect each control when created
input #ini, displayOrdering 'display control ordering
input #ini, displayFormat
close #ini
[saveIniFile] 'save the user preferences
open "fflite.ini" for output as #ini
print #ini, xInterval
print #ini, yInterval
print #ini, snapOn
print #ini, createInspect
print #ini, displayOrdering
print #ini, displayFormat
close #ini
[quit] 'exit Freeform
if isModified = 1 then gosub [formIsModified]
'quit freeform
confirm "Are you sure?"; answer$
if answer$ = "no" then [inputLoop]
gosub [saveIniFile]
close #form
if codeIsOpen then close #code